2024 AI 要点趋势一次看:AI EXPO Taiwan

2024 AI 要点趋势一次看:AI EXPO Taiwan

28 May 2024

生成式 AI 风暴,制造 AI 终端应用
视 AI 为风险,制造业被领先的 AI 化程度
所以制造商们,AI 未来怎么看?
从一个工站的 AI 导入开始,朝 Scaling AI 前进


“AI EXPO Taiwan 2024”为期三天的活动吸引了全球产官学界的领袖和专家,展示 AI 技术在各领域的最新应用和未来趋势。

参展单位包括 250 家企业与品牌、60 所大专院校与人工智慧研究中心以及 56 家新创企业,报名人数近 2.5 万人,围绕 AI 的第一线研发者与来自各界的人才,皆鼓噪着这热度不减的趋势浪头。

我们把 2024 上半年业界专家的 AI 洞察再浓缩,整理出几个有趣的大要点。


生成式 AI 风暴,制造 AI 终端应用

高通 副总裁暨台湾、东南亚与纽澳区总裁 刘思泰

自从生成式 AI 这一两年的爆发性成长,我们看到 AI 无处不在。

过去的 AI 应用主要集中在特定领域,例如手机、相机和语音助手等装置上的传统 AI。然而,随着生成式 AI 的出现,AI 应用范围大幅扩展,技术渗透到各个行业和日常生活中。刘副总表示

“往后十几二十年,就是 AI Everywhere。”

刘副总强调,真正能够提供最佳 AI 体验的是混合式 AI 系统,结合终端装置上的 AI 功能和云端的运算能力,不仅能够节省成本、提高效率,还能增强隐私保护和客制化体验。终端装置上的 AI 应用具有成本低、效能高和可靠性强等优点,这些装置包括智慧手机、个人电脑、AR/VR 眼镜和车载系统等,能带来的生成式 AI 应用场景多元,可以用于文字、图像和影像、代码生成等等,显示出在日常生活以及工业应用中的巨大潜力。可以想像,未来在第一线的生产制造上,只会看到越来越多的终端 AI 部署,协助现场人员快速地获取生产资讯,即时回溯生产状态、确保维持产能,包含多元的应用可能。

AI 市场的价值巨大且难以精确估算,以 McKinsey 在 AI 业务运营、研发和工程等全方面的分析预估,AI 产业的价值可能高达 7.9 兆美元,显示出这一市场的无限潜力。


AWS 台湾暨香港总经理 王定恺



王总经理认为要能活用这一新石油,数据安全是第一要点,如果没有强大的数据安全保障,任何数据的价值都无从谈起。解决数据孤岛(Data Silos)问题是第二要点,数据被分散在不同部门和系统中,难以整合和利用,数据的不交流、碎片化,是数据能否变现的一大障碍,透过数据湖(Data Lake),企业可以将旧版和新版数据整合,提高数据应用效率。第三要点为数据民主化(Data Democrotization),这意味打破讯息不对称,将数据下放至需要使用的人手中,以确保资讯的共享和流通。三者相加,才能搭建成功的企业数据治理能力。

掌握资料新石油,从三大面向着手:1.数据安全 2.数据孤岛 3.数据民主化

亚马逊的“新石油”搭配生成式 AI 有了多种应用,王总经理举例亚马逊自家内部使用案例,在新设实体据点时,可以透过内建强大的资料库,快速找出当地消防法规、水电法规、楼板承重、梁柱分配等多种细节资讯,PM 不需耗时在茫茫资料海中寻找答案。此外,亚马逊 Prime video 也利用生成式 AI 动态替换影片中的广告内容,增加盈利能力。


联发科技 前瞻技术平台 资深处长 梁柏嵩

AI 推论应用在未来将移至终端设备,如手机和个人电脑,以减少数据中心耗能压力,同时提高运算效率,但有些问题仍有待解决。

AI 推论需快速回应用户请求,应用的复杂度和使用者数量、频率带来的变化,都会影响工作负荷。为了在终端设备上运行 AI 模型,需要考虑模型的大小和记忆体需求。通常,手机记忆体在 4GB 到 24GB 之间,模型大小应控制在 70 亿等级的模型参数以下,以确保可以有效运行。此外,手机不像数据中心可以扩展 GPU 来提升算力,记忆体频宽也会是问题。

AI 运算未来=终端(快思,回应第一线用户需求)+云端(慢想,执行高强度运算)

梁处长以人脑的“快思”和“慢想”两种思考系统比喻,未来的 AI 运算将仰赖在终端快思,做直觉性的快速反应,而高强度、需要慢想的运算,则交给云端进行。借此终端十亿等级的模型,和云端兆等级的模型,可以相互协作,这种模式可以兼顾运算效率和用户体验,满足越趋复杂的多模态应用需求。

用于制造管理的 AI 多模态应用,可以是影像和文字两者的技术整合。影像部分,透过装在工站上的摄影镜头,回传影像资讯,让视觉模型辨识行为动作,再结合文字模型,方便管理者借由指令输入,来获得作业员行为影像的 AI 分析和建议,帮助管理层做出更明智的决策。

视 AI 为风险,制造业被领先的 AI 化程度

财团法人人工智慧科技基金会 执行长 温怡玲

温执行长分享“2023 台湾产业 AI 化大调查”报告,企业仍面临众多挑战,且其中存在马太效应,即强者越强,弱者越弱。只有少数企业能真正从生成式 AI 获益,多数企业仍在探索适用的 AI 应用场景。

调查中制造业 / 政府机关产业,高达 74.1% 仍处于 AI 化前期的“Unknowing AI”阶段,多数同仁可能听过 AI,但不具备相关知识,也不知该如何应用。60.5% 表示企业目前仍在规划中 / 没有应用过任何 AI 技术、 58% 认为企业缺乏相关技术人才,数字皆高于整体产业的平均值。

面对未来变化,温执行长建议企业从需求面出发,确保 AI 能带来的实际价值,也该将地缘、能源、美元总体经济的三大变数纳入考量,最后,企业过去视 AI 为成本或投资的视角需转变,现在应把 AI 当作一种风险管理工具,成为营运风险治理中不可获缺的一环。

所以制造商们,AI 未来怎么看?

生成式 AI 工具降低了 AI 使用门槛,也一并警示了企业在新技术布建的急迫性。但事实是,目前整体产业 AI 化指数表现仍然偏低。想要真正搭上这一技术热潮,靠的还是组织领导的策略规划。

现在企业员工对 AI 的理解程度整体偏低,甚至有超过半数的企业不确定组织是否有 AI 工程师,人才培训上也缺乏计划,如此现状应作为企业的一大警讯,该适时候投入资源,开始培养自家的 IT 及 OT 场域专家外,同时间寻找外部 AI 专家,快速获得专业知识,最大化 AI 化转型效率。

成功 AI 应用=外部 AI 专家+自家 IT/OT 场域专家

企业 AI 发展从 Unknowing AI、Conscious AI、Ready AI 到 Scaling AI,这一系列 AI 化进程,最终目的即是让企业在具备 AI 技术与知识之上,能将 AI 移转到不同专案情境中,确实达成规模化的成熟应用。

从一个工站的 AI 导入开始,朝 Scaling AI 前进

PowerArena 行为分析系统 HOP(Human Operation Platform)协助制造商渐进式活用 AI,从安装一个工站的一颗镜头开始,用 AI 视觉搜集人员行为资讯,检视作业时间、动作顺序、手持工具等等讯息,加值生产管理,达到生产效能优化、产品品质提升目标。

HOP 能串连多种 IoT 及工厂 MES 系统,将 AI 影像资讯和各式设备资讯整合,解决传统管理模式中的数据碎片化问题,不需担心数据孤岛发生。细至几分几秒的生产数据,清楚呈现于管理介面,方便远端管理使用,数位化 SOP 功能也能立即提醒现场人员是否有作业异常,无时差传输讯息给作业员、IE、产线领班、厂长和高阶管理者,从下而上皆可受惠于 AI 分析的即时数据。


The “AI EXPO Taiwan 2024” attracted global leaders and experts from industry, government, and academia over a three-day event, showcasing the latest applications and future trends of AI technology in various fields.

With 250 companies and brands, 60 universities and AI research centers, and 56 startups participating, the event saw nearly 25,000 registrants. It brought together leading AI developers and talents from various sectors, highlighting the ever-growing momentum of AI trends.

We have distilled the insights from industry experts in the first half of 2024 into several key points.

Highlights from Expert Keynotes

AI Everywhere. Manufacturing AI Terminal Applications.

ST Liew, Vice President and President of Qualcomm Taiwan and South East Asia , Qualcomm Technologies Inc.

The explosive growth of generative AI over the past couple of years has shown that AI is everywhere.

Previously, AI applications were concentrated in specific areas such as traditional AI in devices like smartphones, cameras, and voice assistants. However, with the advent of generative AI, the scope of AI applications has greatly expanded, permeating various industries and daily life. Liew stated:

“For the next ten to twenty years, it will be AI Everywhere.”

Liew emphasized that the optimal AI experience is provided by hybrid AI systems, which combine AI functionalities on end devices with the computational power of the cloud. This not only saves costs and improves efficiency but also enhances privacy protection and personalized experiences. AI applications on end devices offer low cost, high performance, and strong reliability advantages. These devices include smartphones, personal computers, AR/VR glasses, and in-car systems. Generative AI applications can cover text, images, videos, and code generation, demonstrating significant potential in both everyday life and industrial applications. One can imagine that in the future, there will be an increasing number of terminal AI deployments in frontline manufacturing. These AI systems will assist on-site personnel in quickly obtaining production information, tracking production status in real-time, and ensuring sustained production capacity, encompassing various potential applications.

The value of the AI market is immense and challenging to estimate precisely. According to McKinsey’s comprehensive analysis of AI in business operations, R&D, and engineering, the value of the AI industry could reach $7.9 trillion, indicating its vast potential.

Data is the New Oil. Three Focuses for Manufacturers.

Robert Wang, Managing Director, HK& TW, Amazon Web Services

“Data is the new oil.”

Its value lies in its effective extraction and utilization.

Wang emphasized that to leverage this new oil, data security is the primary concern. Without strong data security measures, the value of any data is moot. Addressing the issue of data silos is the second key point. Data scattered across different departments and systems, difficult to integrate and utilize, is a major obstacle to data monetization. Through data lakes, companies can integrate old and new data to improve data application efficiency. The third key point is data democratization, meaning breaking down information asymmetry and ensuring data is available to those who need it. These three aspects combined build a successful enterprise data governance capability.

Mastering the new oil of data from three aspects: 1. Data Security 2. Data Silos 3. Data Democratization

AWS’s “new oil” combined with generative AI has multiple applications. Wang cited Amazon’s internal use case, where setting up new physical locations can quickly retrieve detailed local regulations through a robust built-in database. Additionally, Amazon Prime Video uses generative AI to dynamically replace ad content in videos, increasing profitability.

Thinking, Fast and Slow. AI Computation Offloading.

Bor-Sung Liang, Senior Director at MediaTek

Future AI inference applications will move to end devices like smartphones and personal computers to reduce data center energy consumption and increase computational efficiency, but some issues remain to be solved.

AI inference requires rapid response to user requests, with application complexity and changes in user volume and frequency affecting workload. To run AI models on end devices, considerations include model size and memory requirements. Typically, smartphone memory ranges from 4GB to 24GB, and models should be controlled below 7 billion parameters to ensure effective operation. Unlike data centers that can scale GPUs to boost computing power, memory bandwidth on smartphones is also a concern.

Future AI computation = Edge (fast thinking, responding to frontline user needs) + Cloud (slow thinking, performing high-intensity computations)

Liang compared it to the human brain’s “fast thinking” and “slow thinking” systems, suggesting that future AI computation will rely on fast thinking at the edge for intuitive, quick responses, and high-intensity, slow thinking computations handled by the cloud. This collaboration between edge billion-level models and cloud trillion-level models can balance computational efficiency and user experience, meeting increasingly complex multimodal application demands.

AI multimodal applications for manufacturing management can integrate both image and text technologies. For the image part, cameras installed at workstations can transmit visual information, enabling visual models to recognize actions. When combined with text models, this setup allows managers to input commands and receive AI-driven analysis and recommendations on worker behavior images. This integration aids management in making more informed decisions.

AI for Risk Management. Manufacturers are falling behind.

Elaine Wen, SEO at Artificial Intelligence Foundation Taiwan

Wen shared the “2023 Taiwan Industrial AI Survey” report, revealing that companies still face numerous challenges, with a Matthew Effect present, meaning the strong get stronger, and the weak get weaker. Only a few companies truly benefit from generative AI, while most are still exploring suitable AI application scenarios.

The survey showed that in manufacturing and government sectors, up to 74.1% are still in the early “Unknowing AI” stage, where many employees may have heard of AI but lack relevant knowledge and understanding of how to apply it. 60.5% indicated that their companies are still planning or have never applied any AI technology, and 58% believe their companies lack relevant technical talent, with these figures higher than the overall industry average.

Facing future changes, Wen suggested that companies start from demand, ensuring that AI can bring real value, and consider geopolitical, energy, and macroeconomic factors. Finally, the perspective of AI as a cost or investment should shift to seeing AI as a risk management tool, becoming an integral part of operational risk governance.

So Manufacturers, What About the Future of AI?

Generative AI tools have lowered the threshold for using AI, while also highlighting the urgency for companies to adopt new technologies. However, the reality is that the overall AI adoption index in industries remains low. To truly catch this technological wave, it still relies on the strategic planning of organizational leadership.

Currently, the overall understanding of AI among employees is low, with more than half of companies unsure if they have AI engineers, and lacking training plans. This should serve as a major warning to companies, prompting them to invest resources in training internal IT and OT experts, while also seeking external AI experts to quickly gain professional knowledge and maximize AI transformation efficiency.

Successful AI application = External AI experts + Internal IT/OT field experts

The progression of enterprise AI development from Unknowing AI, Conscious AI, Ready AI to Scaling AI aims to ultimately enable companies to transfer AI across different project scenarios, achieving scaled mature applications.

Starting with One Workstation, Advancing Towards Scaling AI

PowerArena’s Human Operation Platform (HOP) assists manufacturers in gradually utilizing AI, starting with installing a camera at one workstation. Using AI vision to collect worker behavior information, it examines operation time, action sequences, tool usage, etc., enhancing production management, and achieving goals of production efficiency optimization and product quality improvement.

HOP can connect with various IoT and factory MES systems, integrating AI image information with various equipment information, solving the problem of data fragmentation in traditional management models, without worrying about data silos. Detailed production data is clearly presented on the management interface, convenient for remote management. The digital SOP function can also immediately alert on-site personnel of operational anomalies, transmitting information in real-time to operators, IE, line leaders, plant managers, and senior managers, all benefiting from AI analysis of real-time data.

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