Does AI Vision Enhance FMEA?

Does AI Vision Enhance FMEA?

3 October 2024


FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) is a widely used risk management tool in manufacturing. As production lines grow more complex, FMEA becomes increasingly important in reducing defects, improving product quality, and speeding up failure diagnosis.

However, traditional FMEA methods rely on manual inspection and experience to interpret data, limiting analysis efficiency and accuracy.

To address these challenges, introducing AI vision is an effective solution.

In this article, we will explore how AI vision can maximize the value of FMEA, helping businesses improve process control and risk management.

Does AI vision enhance FMEA?

What is FMEA?

FMEA is a method used to identify potential failure in design, manufacturing, testing, or operation of a product or system, and assess the impact of those failures. It helps prioritize which of all the potential failures should be addressed first.

    • Failure Mode: Potential or actual errors or defects that could affect the customer.

    • Effect Analysis: The study of the consequences of these failures.

For example, an electric motorcycle manufacturer executing FMEA discovered that a failure in the oil pipe fastening station could lead to power failure while driving, posing a significant safety risk. The quality team proposed a series of improvements to mitigate this risk based on the factual data collected via AI vision.

AI vision to monitor the production process can be highly effective. Cameras can record issues on the production line and notify managers, providing them with real-time data to understand and analyze the root causes of failures.

AI vision accelerates problem detection and analysis, enhancing FMEA efficiency.

Objectives of Using FMEA

    • Assess failure factors

    • Establish preventive mechanisms

    • Reduce the frequency of anomalies

The core goal of FMEA is to identify potential issues early in the product design or production process and implement preventive measures against potential risks. This helps prevent defective products from reaching the market, avoiding unquantifiable remediation costs and damage to brand reputation.

“Severe failures may seem rare, but for the customer, every failure is a 100% impact.”
— Charlie Huang, Manager of Smart Factory Platform & Solutions at Renowned Electric Vehicle Factory󠀠

The Five Key Steps of FMEA

Five Key Steps of FMEA

Five Key Steps of FMEA

AI vision technology helps management teams execute FMEA more efficiently, especially in identifying root causes and implementing corrective actions, filling critical information gaps.

    • Identifying Root Causes: AI vision collects production line footage and instantly detects issues, recording the time, station, and problem on the platform. Managers can review flagged production footage to confirm if the station can proceed. AI vision instantly identifies production issues, addressing root causes.

AI vision instantly identifies production issues, addressing root causes.

    • Developing and Implementing Corrective Actions: For critical failure, AI vision ensures that operators strictly follow SOPs. Management can track the implementation of corrective actions and verify whether new processes effectively resolve failure, ensuring stable product quality. AI vision accelerates decision-making.

AI vision accelerates decision-making.

In practice, many failure are hard to detect manually. For high-severity error, the ideal approach is using AI vision to detect issues early in the production process.

The Ultimate Tool to Enhance Your FMEA Process: HOP (Human Operation Platform)

If you’re seeking a game-changing solution to boost efficiency and accuracy in your quality management, AI vision is the tool you can’t afford to miss.

Here’s why HOP is the ultimate platform to revolutionize your FMEA process:

1. Transparent Production Line, Real-Time Failure Detection

AI vision instantly detects anomalies on the production line, quickly identifying potential causes.
No more manual inspections, shortening response time and reducing production risks.

2. Accurate Data Support, Reducing Errors

AI vision provides 24/7 objective monitoring of the production process.
Comprehensive video and data analysis which reduces the risk of subjective errors, making FMEA assessments more reliable.

3. Visualized Platform, Accelerated Decision-Making

With an intuitive management interface, decisions are made faster and more accurately.
This shortens the cycle for resolving failure issues, improving overall production efficiency.

Take your FMEA process to the next level and secure your market advantage.

Further Reading: How to Become the Next Global Lighthouse Factory?

Electric Vehicle Manufacturing with AI Vision – RPN Significantly Improved, Zero Defects Achieved

RPN Detection Report Before Implementing AI Vision

RPN Detection Report Before Implementing AI Vision

RPN Detection Report After Implementing AI Vision

RPN Detection Report After Implementing AI Vision

As the top electric vehicle manufacturer in Taiwan, this company is committed to building a one of a kind smart assembly lines with full capability. To ensure the safest riding experience for users, the management team conducted an FMEA study on both products and the processes.

First, they identify potential failure, then evaluate the risks using RPN (Risk Priority Number) calculations based on severity, occurrence probability, and detection difficulty to determine which failures need immediate attention.

RPN = Severity (S) x Occurrence (O) x Detection (D)
a higher number indicates greater severity

The team discovered three urgent failures: an inoperable vehicle, brake fluid leaks leading to brake failure, and abnormal noises after being on the road. The root causes were inefficient manual detection in key production stations and high occurrence rates of manual error.

After implementing AI vision into the production line, the AI system automatically identifies problematic production steps, records them on the HOP (Human Operation Platform), and notifies management. Shift supervisors can now trace the footage of the issues, quickly pinpoint the failure causes, and propose solutions to snipe the failure, ultimately achieving a 100% yield.


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