Trace errors and increase workplace efficiency with HOP Digital Station.
Farewell, workstations of yesterday.
Line operators are trained according to printed manuals. At their station they follow printed instructions. Defects can typically only be traced to a batch or line. It’s often impossible to identify exactly what went wrong. Even it’s found a MES exported CSV file is insufficient to reflect the reality of production.
Digital Station
Track & Trace. Production Transparency. Full MES Integration.
HOP Digital Station enables production transparency with trackable and traceable data collected via AI Vision & serial number identification. MES integration with open API, HOP consolidates shop floor data via integrated IoT sensors, video cameras to roll back time.
HOP Digital Station
Case Studies
PowerArena HOP has already delivered impressive ROI in a factory similar to yours.
These case studies cover only a fraction of PowerArena HOP installations. Tell us about your situation and we’ll share relevant data and details.
Main Applications
Digital Station
- Reduce downtime
- Monitor the interaction between workers and machines
- Detect long delay and assist root cause analysis
- Improve machines overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)
AI Line
AI Line Balancing
- Streamline workflow productivity
- Identify opaque and complex bottlenecks
- Workflow metrics that visualize the factory floor
- Empower the workforce by strengthening teamwork and gaining productivity
Poka Yoke
AI Poka Yoke
- Maintain standard operating procedure compliance
- Detect and alert workers who skipped work steps
- Ensure quality through SOP compliance
- Customizable SOP detection software