PowerArena Pitched on SparkLabs Taipei’s Demo Day 5

PowerArena Pitched on SparkLabs Taipei’s Demo Day 5

17 August 2021

On Aug 5, 2021, PowerArena’s co-founder and CEO Ken Law stepped on the stage of SparkLabs Taipei’s Demo Day 5 and pitched PowerArena to potential investors.

Over the course of three months, we participated in SparkLabs Taipei’s acceleration program among 7 other successful startups. It was our pleasure to be part of the program, and we’re grateful for this opportunity and we look forward to the opportunities to come. 

In the 6 minutes pitch, Ken touched down on PowerArena’s capabilities and how we helped the industry with our technology. Ken shared that clients are working with PowerArena on problems such as SOP Assistance, Downtime Analysis and Line Balancing

For SOP assistance, clients would like to make sure that certain important steps are getting done; for Downtime Analysis, if the machine is idle for a long time, they want to understand why; for Line Balancing, as the work is done one by one in the manufacturing line, and that means if one operation is slow, it slows down the whole line. So clients would want to find the bottleneck.


Ken also broke down on what makes PowerArena’s tool stand out. “To do an AI project like this, usually it requires data scientists to work for 4 months. It’s expensive, but more importantly, there are not that many data scientists in the factory to do the work.” He mentions, “That’s why we have a new approach called the Build Your Own AI (BYOAI). Now it is an industrial engineer instead of a data scientist that can do the work in only 2 weeks. This means 8 times faster and 16 times more cost effective.”

We greatly appreciate the opportunity provided by Sparklabs Taipei and we’re honored to be part of this program. Huge thanks to Edgar Chiu, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Flora Hsieh, Program Director and Wei Ma, Program Manager of Spartlabs Taipei for guiding us throughout the entire process.

For more information about SparkLabs Taipei’s Demo Day 5, please visit https://www.sparklabstaipei.com/demoday

*SparkLabs Taipei is a seed-stage fund and accelerator that helps startups expand into overseas markets by working with successful entrepreneurial mentoring, multinational corporations, and global investors.

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