Kicking off 2021, PowerArena was honored to receive coverage from EMSNOW. EMSNOW is the top EMS publication in the United States, providing daily news and views for the manufacturing world.
Three out of the top five global EMS leaders are currently seeing major productivity improvements from having PowerArena’s computer vision solution in their manufacturing sites, and we were excited to share our applications and technologies with EMSNOW and professionals in the manufacturing industry. (Read our feature article here.)
PowerArena’s Co-Founder and CEO Ken Law, was also interviewed by Eric Miscoll, publisher from the publication. In the 30 minutes interview, Law touched base on PowerArena’s application and why it came to be.
“Many of my friends and family are in manufacturing, many people in Hong Kong still have a family business in manufacturing,” mentioned Law during the interview. As he described, the manufacturing industry contributes a big chuck to the economy, however, some of the IT in that arena was relatively low-tech and the best technology there was the ERP system. “When Industry 4.0 came out, my friends looked at those technologies and they looked like space technology to them, and that’s how we started to think if there were things we can do over there [the manufacturing industry].” (2:00)
Miscoll also took the opportunity to ask Law about PowerArena’s latest released tool “Build Your Own AI (BYOAI)” and how it benefited our clients. “In the real manufacturing environment, there are all kinds of strange things happening, there are always going to be things we haven’t seen before,” explained Law, noting that before BYOAI, there were a lot of communicating back and forth, from taking new data to training to more communicating to deploying the solution, which took relatively long. “With BYOAI, we give that ability to the manufacturer and empower them to fix things themselves. It’s like instead of giving them the fish, we teach them how to fish.” (12:38)
“I’d imagine that you’ve made the job of an IE much more effective, because how much time do they really have to sit around all day and stare at a bottleneck they have other things going on. If you can capture that and then they can analyze and focus on it, there must be a great benefit.” said Miscoll, after understanding what PowerArena is capable of and how we helped factories on data collection, line balancing, bottleneck identification among others. (20:53)
Watch the full interview below, or click here.